Trump, Brexit, and the Abject Poverty of Liberalism Gordon Barnes Two seemingly monumental and world-historic events occurred in two of the most powerful imperialist countries this year....
Demonetization in India: The Political Economy of Waiting Time Bhargav Rani Everybody in this country remembers what they were doing on the evening of November 8. It is...
The Dark Side of the American Revolution: A Review of Robert Parkinson’s The Common Cause: Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution Evan Turiano Civics curricula in the United States teach us a particular narrative about the American Revolution in terms...
Writing Resistance in the Age of Surveillance: A Comparative Review of Steven Salaita’s Uncivil Rites and Moustafa Bayoumi’s This Muslim American Life Erik Wallenberg The recent report on allegations of anti-Semitism within the CUNY system acknowledges that Students for Justice in...