Revolution and CUNY: Remembering the 1969 Fight for Open Admissions Bhargav Rani The past month has seen a spate of retrospectives debating the legacy of the failed revolution...
The Power and Political Potentials of Images Zehra Husain A political movement has been stirring in Pakistan. 26-year-old Manzoor Pashteen from South Waziristan, also called ‘Pakistani...
Ethnography as Espionage: An Interview with Katherine Verdery Nicholas Glastonbury In my first year at the Graduate Center, I had the luck and good instinct to...
Neoliberal Fictions Nandini Ramachandran Defining neoliberalism is one of the most vexing conundrums facing the contemporary academy. Most accounts...
Settler Marxism and the Murdered and Missing Revolutionary Actors Sean M. Kennedy The fucking murders are like a strike, friend, a wild fucking strike. — Roberto Bolaño,...
Unmasking Musk: Envisioning HyperCapitalist Futures Hillary Donnell There’s something fascinating about the scintillating mythos that American society has created of the man behind...
Salami Tacticals Little Nukes — No Big Deal? Clifford D. Conner Salami tactics are how devious politicians attempt to achieve major policy goals that they don’t...
The Campaign for Full and Fair Funding of all GC Doctoral Students The Adjunct Project On Friday, 27 April, the Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council of the Graduate Center passed...
DSC Resolution in Support of Full and Fair Funding for CUNY Graduate Center PhD students Submitted by Adjunct Project working group for full and fair funding – Adopted by the DSC during Plenary on...
Fan Fiction as Emotionally Inclusive, Anti-Ableist Praxis Jenn Polish Whenever I tell someone that my students at LaGuardia Community College write fanfiction for their first...