CUNY students Press Conference for incoming Chancellor​’s 1st Day: Tomorrow!

Monday, July 1—Press Conference: Students Speak Out on

the State of the City University of New York (CUNY)

DATE: Monday, July 1, 2pm

LOCATION: Office of the CUNY Chancellor

205 E. 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017

Press Contact:

New York, NY (July 1, 2013): To mark the first day of interim CUNY Chancellor William Kelly’s appointment in CUNY’s Central Offices at 205 East 42nd Street, students will converge there for a 2pm press conference on the state of the City University of New York. The incoming Chancellor has been invited to attend and listen.

As outlined in an April 26, 2013 New York Times CUNY students’ letter to the editor, the new Chancellor will assume responsibility for outgoing Chancellor Matthew Goldstein’s “abysmal legacy.” Since Chancellor Goldstein took office in 1999, university diversities have dramatically shrunk, more classes are taught by underpaid adjuncts, tuition has doubled (putting CUNY out of reach for many working class students of color), the suppression of peaceful dissent has become policy, top administrators’ salaries have skyrocketed, and faculty are being threatened with a loss of control over curriculum via the Pathways Initiative.

To much CUNY community chagrin, then-Graduate Center President William Kelly professed at a May 7, 2013 campus Community Meeting that he knew “very little” about cross-CUNY issues, and that he would therefore not address “hypothetical” concerns voiced by dozens of attendees. In response, the July 1 Press Conference will feature student reports from multiple campuses on specific concerns and suggestions that warrant immediate attention upon this transition at the highest level of CUNY administration.

Students, faculty, and staff are also being encouraged to send phone calls, emails, and faxes with additional statements to the Chancellor’s Office that day.

Independent and mainstream television crews, photographers, and journalists are welcome. To schedule a press interview, contact

Follow @nystudentsrise and #FutureofCUNY on Twitter for live updates from the conference and find more information at

Participating organizations include: New York Students Rising (NYSR), Student Bloc NYC, Free University, Concerned Students of Medgar Evers (CSOME), City College Students for Educational Rights (SER), Brooklyn College Student Union (BCSU), CUNY Graduate Center general assembly, People Power Movement, Professional Staff Congress members.


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